
(dhanyavaad / thank you)

I offer this portfolio to the many independent artists in Aotearoa (especially those feminist, queer and brown ones) who have surrounded me with ways of being, seeing, confronting, ways of imagining, healing, loving and shrugging off all that is harmful in the world. 

Deepest gratitude:

To my supervisor, Emma, for  gassing me up constantly, you are a true accessory to     my academic crimes! Thank you for quietly encouraging my gentle mudslide rhythms. 

To my team of proofers, Helen, Tim, Sam and Sarah for making me look and           sound better than I ever could have!

To my Gorgon sisters Julia, Virginia and Frances for your life saving friendships     and invaluable contributions to this  portfolio.

This work is also offered in exaltation of all the strong women in my majestic family tree and dedicated to my mother Rashmi, in honour of all the walls you scaled to get me here.

Me and my mother, Rashmi Madhan, photo by my father, Krishan.

Om Namah Shivaya