
for Intention

Ahmed, Sara. Living A Feminist Life. 1st Edition. USA: Duke University Press, 2017.

Ayn Rand Institute. “Introducing Objectivism?” by Ayn Rand.  From YouTube. Video, 09.01. Posted by Ayn Rand Institute, May 17, 2013

Harraway, Donna. Staying With The Trouble - Making Kin in the Chthulucene. Durham and London: Duke University Press, 2016.

Schechner, Richard. Schechner. Performance Studies: an Introduction. London; New York: Routledge, 2002

for Time Space Power

Live Art Development Agency "LADA." August, 2021.

Sofaer, Joshua. What is Live Art? From the Website. Video 05.00. August, 2002.

Heathfield, Adrian, ed. LIVE: Art and Performance. 1st Edition. London: Tate Publishing, 2004.

Ahmed, Sara. Living A Feminist Life. 1st Edition. USA: Duke University Press, 2017.

Auckland Fringe "2017 Auckland Fringe Award Winners." Accessed August, 2021.

Neill, Sam dir. Red Mole on the Road. 1979; Aotearoa: Youtube, accessed August, 2021.

Solnit, Rebecca. Hope In The Dark, The Untold History of People Power. 3rd Edition. Great Britain: Cannongate Books, 2016.

Raymond, Rosana. “A Walk Through My Eylands. The Pacific Legacy Project.” The Pantograph Punch. 20th November, 2020.

Iti, Tame. "Tame Iti: artist and activist." By Kim Hill. Saturday Morning, Radio New Zealand.

Tuhiwai Smith, Linda. Decolonizing Methodologies - Research and Indigenous Peoples. 3rd Edition. Great Britain: Zed Books, 2001

Phelan, Peggy. "On Seeing The Invisible." In LIVE: Art and Performance, edited by Adiran Heathfield, page 16-27. London: Tate Publishing, 2004.

Millica, Zec dir. Marina Abramovic on Rhythm 0. From Vimeo. Video 03.07. 2012.

Heathfield, Adiran. "After the fall Dance-theatre and Dance-performance." In Contemporary Theatres in Europe, A Critical Companion, edited by Joe Kelleher and Nicholas Ridout, page 285 - 290. New York: Routledge, 2006.

Norman, SJ. “Sarah Jane Norman responds to Marina Abramovic.” ABC. 25th August, 2016.

Kirker, Alice. "Jelly Baby." AMK. Accessed August, 2021.

Bailey, Marlon. "Gender/Racial Realness: Theorizing the Gender System in Ballroom Culture." Feminist Studies, 37 no. 2 (June 2011): 365-386.

Tanuvasa, Jaycee. "The Nest Q&A" Recorded 17/07/21.

Livingston, Jennie, dir. Paris is Burning. 1990; USA: Watch Documentaries, accessed August 2021.

Ruka, Cat. "Cat Ruka Talks The Nest." Basement Theatre News, June 30, 2021.

Cogitore, Clément, dir. Les Indes Galantes by J-P. Rameau : "Forêts paisibles". October 1, 2019; Paris: YouTube, accessed August, 2021.

Diderot, Denis, Discours Sur La Poésie Dramatique. In: D. Diderot, Oeuvres complètes III. Paris, 1970

for A Reason to Rest

Madhan, Nisha. "LIVE (Why I’m Not In A Hurry." Words by Nisha Madhan. Updated April 1, 2020.

Tan, Rosabel. “We Can Build A New Utopia.” Te Taumata Toi-a-iwi. January, 2021.

Creative New Zealand. “Research reflects significant challenges of making a living as a creative professional in Aotearoa.” Creative NZ.

Bridle, James. Other Intelligences // Spy on Me #2 Online Programme. From YouTube. Video
52.24. Posted by “321HAU,” March 20.2020.

Henry, Janaye (@janayeh). “She/her🌈 Māori 🍃 a bloody DELIGHT.” Instagram,

Leo’o Olo, Sieni (@king.ulavale). “Haha shame, made you look.” Instagram,

Tyrell, Pati (@patityrell). “Photographer | Performance Cofounder @FAFSWAG | Laureate 2020 Queer Pasifika 🌊🌺✨.” Instagram,

FAF SWAG (@FAFSWAG). “The silent pressure and unspoken expectation of our industry…” Twitter, April 8, 2020.

Page, Emma. “Meet the next generation of NZ's top artists.” Stuff, February 23, 2020.


Frankovich, Virginia (@virginiafrankovich). "broken selfie, 2019." Instagram, November 23, 2019.

Solnit, Rebecca. Hope In The Dark, The Untold History of People Power. 3rd Edition. Great Britain: Cannongate Books, 2016.

Cuboniks, Laboria. The Xenofeminist Manifesto: A Politics for Alienation. 1st Edition. United Kingdom: Verso, 2018.

Warnecke, Lauren. "Art and performance during the time of COVID-19 lockdown." Agenda 34, no. 3 (2020): 145-147.

Rand, Ayn. Capitalism, The Unknown Ideal. USA: Penguin Group, 1946.

Ahmed, Sara. "Refusal, Resignation and Complaint." Feminist Killjoys (blog). feminsitkilljoys, June 28, 2018.

Sosa, Fannie. "The White Institutions Guide to Welcoming Artists of Colour and their Audienes" The WIG (website). 2016 - 2020.

for RollingOn The Floor, Laughing

Ahmed, Sara. Living A Feminist Life. 1st Edition. USA: Duke University Press, 2017.